Journal of Risk Research Vol. 11, Nos. 1–2, January–March 2008, 55–68 ISSN 1366-9877 print/ISSN 1466-4461 online # 2008 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13669870701521479
2021-02-17 · The journal serves as an outlet for important, relevant research in decision analysis, economics, and psychology. Among the topics covered in the journal are decision theory and the economics of uncertainty, psychological models of choice under uncertainty, risk and public policy, experimental investigations of behavior under uncertainty, and empirical studies of real-world, risk-taking behavior.
The Journal of Credit Risk considers submissions in the form of research papers and technical papers, on topics including, but not limited to: Modelling and management of portfolio credit risk Recent advances in parameterizing credit risk models: default probability estimation, copulas and credit risk correlation, recoveries and loss given default, collateral valuation, loss distributions and The Journal of Risk Research aims to publish the latest theoretical and empirical research and commentaries on the communication, regulation, and management of risk.Research that you might want to contribute to the Journal of Risk Research could explore:The Inter-relationships between risk, decision-making and society.How to promote better risk management practices.Contribute to the development of risk … The Journal of Risk and Financial Management in Open Access. academic and practical research in all areas of risk and financial management. J. Ri sk Financial Manag. 2013, 6 3 .
353–367. Sjöberg, L. (2001a), ”Political decisions and CSPR Research Seminar with Karin Bäckstrand. kl. 13.00 – 13.45 Zoom Inga äggstockar, inget östrogen men risk för bland annat minnessvårigheter. Resultatet har publicerats i The International Journal of Climate Change.;screen=info;ECOIP.
The Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response is a peer reviewed journal which publishes both theoretical and applied papers in the broad fields of risk analysis theory and crisis response techniques.Read full Aims & Scope. This is an open access journal, i.e. all articles are immediately and permanently free to read, download, copy & distribute. The journal is published under the CC BY-NC
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Journal of Patient Safety and Risk Management, formerly named Clinical Risk, is a peer-reviewed journal.It builds on its roots in the UK to provide an international forum for the exchange of new knowledge and ideas in the fields of patient safety, risk management, and medico-legal issues.
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Sjöberg, L. (2000), ”Perceived risk and tampering with nature”, Journal of Risk Research,Vol. 3, No.4, s.
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